How to Find the right job

Another rough day at work? Maybe is time for change. Most simple advices are follow your passion or do what you love. Try to ask yourself “What can I offer?” and check all the possibilities around…

  • ZipRecruiter is a leading online employment marketplace that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered smart matching technology to actively connect millions of employers and job seekers.
  • We have over 1000 employees in the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Israel.
  • Our headquarters is located in Santa Monica, California.

    We Help Candidates Find Their Next Great Opportunity

    • Over 25 million job seekers come to our site on average each month.
    • Every day, we have over 9 million active job postings available to search.
    • We have the #1 rated job search app on Android and iOS.

      We Help Employers Find Great Candidates

      • Since our inception in 2010, we’ve helped over 1.8 million businesses of all sizes (from SMBs to Fortune 500 companies) find great candidates.
      • We are rated #1 by employers in the U.S..
      • 80% of employers who post a job on ZipRecruiter get a quality candidate within the first day.Wage growth ticks up, but hours worked remain low 

        Encouragingly, growth in average hourly wages rebounded to 3.1% in January after slowing from 3.4% in February 2019 to 2.9% in December 2019. But hours worked remain discouragingly low.

        Over the past 9 years, average weekly hours worked have fluctuated within a relatively narrow band. But for four months now, we’ve been at the bottom end of the range, at 34.3 hours a week.

        Hours worked are their lowest since 2011 in the business sector and manufacturing, and the lowest since the start of the series in 2006.

        Why does that matter? Because the most frequent complaint we hear from workers is that they cannot get enough hours from their employers. Many workers are not being scheduled to work enough to make ends meet without taking on a second job.