Strategies the Wealthy Follow to Get Richer

Work toward long-term, not short-term goals.

Long-term goals take a minimum of one to five years to accomplish. Long-term goals are excellent motivators. They enable you to look beyond the moment and put into perspective why you are spending your time today as you are.

Your daily tasks should have a direct connection to your long-term goals. If they don’t, you need to re-examine them and decide whether to cut them out completely or reduce the time you are spending on them.To stay focused on your long-term goals, it is vital to set a date they will be accomplished.

Understand the best goals play out over time, not spontaneously.

The rich understand that the best goals play out over time. They don’t happen spontaneously. Goal setting is an ongoing activity. The rich know that they need to remind themselves to stay on track. The rich don’t write down their goals and put them away. They make regular appointments on their calendars to review their goals.

Create long-term value that pay dividends.

You need to build businesses that will pay you long-term dividends into the future. In some types of business, such as trading, you need to trade over and over to keep revenue coming in. Each day you are starting fresh. You need to find add-on businesses that will generate residual revenue for you and don’t require starting from scratch each month.

 Acknowledge weaknesses and outsource.

The rich know that it is more efficient to capitalize on strengths. They do not waste time trying to “fix” weaknesses. Instead they acknowledge those weaknesses, outsource to appropriate sources and do what they love.Even in down times in the economy, outsourcing remains popular.

Go “all in” on projects that best utilize strengths.

Rich, successful people don’t jump out of bed without a plan. That fine-tuned plan doesn’t just list goals. Those goals are carefully honed, focusing on big goals that we know are attainable because they are aligned with our strengths.

 Follow passions and work harder than anyone else.

The average person believes that the rich work all the time. They do. The difference is they find and follow their passion. Then they work harder than anyone else does. They’ll tell you they don’t feel like it is work because they’re doing what they love and getting paid for it — and very well at that.