What are The Best Ways to Invest in Yourself

Invest In Your Mind

Some of us take meticulous care of our bodies, we go to the gym, we eat properly, exfoliate twice a week (you should do that if you aren’t). But we don’t spend nearly as much effort looking after our minds. There are small things we can do to better mind our minds.


Have you ever walked into someone’s home and not seen a single book? It’s scary! I would rather see furniture made from the human skin than no books. I don’t even believe it matters so much what you read. Sure, some things might be more beneficial than others, but I think the act itself, is what will improve your mind.

Create Order

Some people claim to work better with a messy desk and some people don’t seem to mind a messy house full of clutter. Science disagrees. Princeton’s Neuroscience Institute did a study on clutter and found,


I actually hate doing this while I’m doing it and even though I do see some benefit after, I have yet to keep doing it consistently. But I keep trying! Because I know that it’s good for me.

Get It Out Of Your Head

Do you sometimes lay in bed at night not able to sleep because you can’t stop thinking about all of the things you have to do the following day? Write a to-do list before you go to sleep.

Would You Say That To A Friend?

The way we speak to ourselves internally can be brutal sometimes. Think of some of the words you do use or have used to describe yourself in a low moment; stupid, lazy, fat, failure. You wouldn’t dream of saying those things to a friend. It would hurt them and it’s not constructive.

Invest In Your Body

Some of us are in the opposite position described above, we tend to our mind to the detriment of our bodies. But one is not worth much without the other, so we need to get them in balance. If you’ve been neglectful of your body, there are some small but impactful things you can do to change that.

Get A Full Check Up

This is a money blog so let’s use a money analogy. If you don’t know how much money you have coming in or going out, you don’t know how healthy your finances are and what areas you need to address.