Things Everyone Should Know About Life

No one will get out of this life alive.

The first thing we should acknowledge is that life is finite.

We only have so many days allotted to us. One day we will wake up in the morning and begin our very last day on earth.

Acknowledging that life is temporary is a wise way to approach life. It will help you live each day more fully, and focus on what matters most.

 Life is unpredictable, but a plan is a good idea.

Nobody can predict the future – their own or anyone else’s. Events and experiences we cannot foresee will come our way with some frequency.

But a well-ordered plan can help us navigate the unknown waters ahead.

Think of a plan as a preferred future. It’s not a guarantee of a certain outcome, but a plan can remove many of the obstacles to our desired future.

Great friendships enhance the quality of life.

We’ll meet many people during our lifetime. Some will just be temporary fellow-travelers on the journey. Others we’ll want to join us for the entire journey.

Healthy relationships make life richer.

As for romantic interests, it’s okay to acknowledge that not all relationships will last, but it is wise to try to make them as healthy and as free from conflict as

Expect to have setbacks.

Everyone has setbacks from time to time. Some are annoying, others are debilitating. But they will come, that is certain.

Life is better when lived within your means.

You don’t need to be materialistic to recognize the important place of money in life. We all need some of it. And we all need to manage whatever amount we have.

Core values should be known and honored.

Life gets complicated at times. It comes down to wise decisions that are consistent with what you consider right and true.

 Life is better when you invest in your health.

Unlike your car, which you can trade in or ditch when it becomes unreliable, you’re stuck with your body.

 Actions determine outcomes.

Believe it or not, there are people who see little connection between their actions and the results.

Unhealthy relationships make for an unhealthy life.

Life is hard enough when you have several encouraging, supportive, and helpful fellow travelers.